The Night Before Christmas - with a Twist
Twas the night before Christmas And all through the land, not a family was together -
large "gatherings" were banned.

The stockings were hung 6 feet apart
In hopes that COVID couldn’t spread that far.

The children were scattered far and wide –
Kaye in California,
Stanley in Hawaii with his new bride,
and their wee little babe snug by his side.
Big Stan settled down for his 60-year-old nap,whilest I went to
Zoom to do PraiseMoves on my mat.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter

I sprang from my work-out to see what was the matter?
The moon on the breast of the new fallen slush
Surprised us Washingtonians
And made traffic a mush ~
When what to my wondering eyes should appear…
But a Grandmom rolling up on her
electric chair!

More rapid than turtles, came scooting this dame
and she whistled and coughed and called out our names:
Now Cynthia and Stanley, my youngest - Sue
Where is Tommy and Joe and the rest of the crew?
I’ve been stuck in this Greenspring for nearly 9 months
And I want to get out and see so much!
We dragged out the tinsel, the red balls and bows,
We tied up the garland and lit the stove
I started baking and Stan got the tree
Together we decorated and sang with glee.
The presents were few and the carols quite lacking
But the spirit of Christmas is not in unpacking
A toy or a sweater, a candle or mug
The true gift is love ~ and it comes from above!
So however you celebrate, big or small
Merry Christmas to you, one and all!