Flowers in February
Hello from Virginia where we’ve had a mild winter and some unseasonably warm days which has the saucer magnolia and cherry trees already in bloom. The forsythia and quince are showing their colors and the daffodils are showing their faces. It’s heartwarming to see flowers in February but I would rather see snowflakes and ski slopes.
My name is Sue and I am lucky to call Cynthia my older sister and my friend. I once read that a great friend is someone who knows your memories and Cynthia knows mine more than anyone. As well as memories, we share a lot of the same interests. I share her love of all things gardening and she shares my love of all things stitching. About twelve years ago I discovered a fashion designer, Natalie Chanin of Alabama Chanin, and learning about her ethos has led me on a journey to stitch my own wardrobe of organic cotton clothing and to try and live my life more sustainably.
A week or so ago a friend of mine wrote a post on Instagram about sustainability in the floral industry, especially as it pertains to Valentine’s Day. I had fully researched sustainability in the fashion industry but I never thought about what it took to create all of those roses that are given to lovers this time of year.

This post really struck a chord with me. I recently moved into a one hundred year old house in a transitional neighborhood in Richmond. My hope is that by living in this neighborhood and spending my money in the local shops I can help support the neighborhood’s revival. My friend ended her Instagram post with a link to several local floral sources, so I immediately went on-line to follow them. Who doesn’t want their Instagram feed to be filled with beautiful flowers. And sure enough, this post pops up the very next day:

After checking out their website ( I knew this was a business I want to support and I wasn’t going to miss my chance to fill my house with local flowers in February so I got online and ordered a bunch. It was an adventure to drive to a new part of town to pick up my order and to see their operations. Look at this adorable stand they have set up. I hope to volunteer with them in the coming months to learn more.
