"Come Outside"
The moon calls to me. It is full. It is close. I try to rollover, but this particular night I am sleeping in the van and the full moon is one of those super moons. I shift the blankets but it’s no use.
It’s not the moon, really, it’s the maker of the moon. I know His voice. I used to let the sleeplessness annoy me, but I’ve learned.
I’ve learned that night is my time. Some people think best in the morning or in the evening. I think best in the middle of the night. It’s just so pure and dark and quiet. It’s a blank page and there’s no sounds or distractions. If you simply listen.
Come outside.
We are parked beside the Sea of Cortez and earlier that day we’d seen a whale shark just a stone’s throw from the shore. I start to think that perhaps there’s some awesome marine activity that the Lord is waking me up to see. I slip out of the van on to the cool sand. It is so light outside I don’t even need to adjust my eyes. I follow the glittering path of the moon to the water’s edge.
I let the soft wind blow in my hair and feel a sense of anticipation. But I don’t see anything. No turtles. No dolphins. No whales.
The moment has passed and I head back up toward the van, thinking that wasn’t really worth it. At least I tried, I console myself: you don’t know if you don’t try.
Then I hear the voice again, Look up. The huge, bright moon is directly overhead; surrounded by an even bigger corona (Latin for ‘crown’ is the appearance of ring(s) around any celestial object). Inside the circle are swirls and swirls lit up. They are moving and darting in there. My mouth drops. I am seeing a dimension that I’ve never seen before. I am seeing an army of angels.
My spirit soars.

Earlier that week, on a different deserted beach I had felt fear. ‘What if someone comes to attack my daughter (in her tent) or me? What in the world would I do?’ We had bear spray and stuff with us, but what would I really do? I might not even wake up!
That night I spent a good deal of time praying. That’s another thing the middle of the night is good for. I remembered a scripture from somewhere in the Psalms: The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and delivers them. It was one of those beautiful moments that the Word of God comes back to you in the direct way you need it. I was thankful and comforted.
But now I was amazed. God wanted me to see it – not just know it was someplace in the Bible. He allowed me to see in the spirit what I knew in my head.
I have often said that God’s angels were protecting me – even lifting me up in their hands like it says in Psalm 91. But let me tell you, to see them. In all their glory. To have them dance overhead. It was a song that I’ll never forget.
Come outside.
It’s worth it!