Plan to Flourish
This time of year it's hard to imagine a lush garden, but imagine and plan is exactly what we should be doing if we want to flourish come summer.

To flourish:
grow · thrive · prosper to break forth and bloom
especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment
Psalm 92 gives us the grow plan for flourishing God's way - Give thanks to the Lord, sing praises, declare His love in the morning and HIs faithfulness at night, enjoy the work of the Lord.
This is what I love about God's word - it's full of promises, but also precepts that show us how to live and live abundantly. This psalm goes on to say: "They shall bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing, to declare that the Lord is upright."
So, we have to ask ourselves: Where are we planted? Where are we doing the work of the Lord? I pray this year we see the correlation between planning and planting and that we grow in the process.
Let's flourish!