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Simple Satisfaction
Lilies bloomed that morning - fragrant and fantastic. Raspberries were glistening in the sun. Mid-summer bounty was bursting forth. The...

You Get What You Weed
The garden is a demanding friend. It’s a mirror, really, of how well you’re keeping up. The more your give, the more it shows. However,...

Happy, Hardy and Heat Tolerant
Well-known as a perennial favorite, the coneflower is now becoming a show-stopper as well. New hybridized colors and shapes, have this...

Breaking Up with Poison Ivy
Leaves of Three, Let Them Be! Such a sweet little rhyme to help the unsuspecting learn of the dangers that lurk in the woods. I, more...

"Come Outside"
The moon calls to me. It is full. It is close. I try to rollover, but this particular night I am sleeping in the van and the full moon is...

The Nose Knows
It’s back. That delicate scent of honeysuckle and wild rose, of cut grass and clover; it’s the welcome smell of summer. We didn’t even...

Spirit in the Sky
Every once in a while, you read a scripture that you connect with on some supernatural level. Often for me, I can’t even tell you why....

When West meets East
Long have the stark difference between the Western and Eastern worlds been in existence. Even the art of floral arranging is as different...

What Would you Do if you Couldn't Fail?
You know that great idea you get in the middle of the night? It all sounds so do-able as you lay on your bed picturing the whole,...

(Grand)Mother May I
As a little girl begging to go barefoot, my mom was told that she had to pick an Easter basket full of dandelions before she could...
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