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Get in the Zone
Determining which plants will thrive in your yard should be as easy as finding your zone on the ‘paint-by-numbers’ USDA Plant Hardiness...

Tips for Winter Pruning (or howintheworlddoIstartpruning)
When? Where? How? Without formal training, pruning can be one of the most intimidating garden tasks. Many of us avoid it all together,...

Cracked Open and Dispersed
When all the garden is brown and greyed, it’s hard to see life. But life there is. Emerging. Waiting for a little breeze to carry seeds...

Eco-Friendly Christmas
I’ve just thrown out another string of Christmas lights again this year. Ugh! I hate seeing all that plastic and wire fill up the...

Counting Time or Making Time Count
19 days to Christmas – do words like this make you happy or hurried? Our American celebration of Christmas has become more spectacular...

Life Cycle
Sweet, light tones of a lullaby played over the loudspeaker. We didn't notice it at first. Distracted by the straightening and arranging...

A Stitch in Time...
Saves nine. Common knowledge? Old wives tale? Folklore? While recently attending “The School of Making” workshop – a hands-on experience...

The Road Back Home
Uproot. There is a time for digging up. For turning the soil. A love lost. Health unhinged. Wealth ripped away. Just like biting into...

Prayers - A Study in Cross Pollination
Have you prayed today? On days like today, when our country’s presidency hangs in the balance, many of us would answer “yes” to that...

Leave the leaves
I love to rake leaves – it’s great exercise, it cleans up a messy yard, and if there are young people around, I can still be persuaded to...
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