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To Garden is to Share
She walked over to a lovely, graceful bush – it’s arms bowed down with the most amazing little pink hearts; each one cupping a small...

Garden's Talk
“Gardens are a form of autobiography.” Sydney Eddison Who does your garden say you are? Romantic, pristine, low maintenance? We all have...

A Stitch in Time...
Saves nine. Common knowledge? Old wives tale? Folklore? While recently attending “The School of Making” workshop – a hands-on experience...

September Whispers ... All is not lost
The glorious glint of the September sky transforms the earth around us. We feel the warm sun and yet the shorter days register inside us,...

Would you Grow a Flower if No One Could See?
There are gardens and then there are gardens. We are naturally more impressed by the exotic and sensational. When you walk the carefully...

Do what you Love
What could you accomplish with one arm, twelve lily plants and a plot of marshland beside the Anacostia River? Most of us would see a...
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