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What Would you Do if you Couldn't Fail?
You know that great idea you get in the middle of the night? It all sounds so do-able as you lay on your bed picturing the whole,...

Forced to Bloom
This time of year many of us are anxious to see things blooming. Perhaps one of your neighbors has a forsythia bush or a crabapple tree...

A Good Read
I met her in the broken place. Fragile moments. Tears shared. Hearts spilled. Beneath the surface, though, I sensed strength. And...

Tending the Grape Vine
Because of its sheer size, there are some garden chores that are daunting. Pruning the grape vine is one such task. I’m never quite sure...

This time of year is bare. Cold, biting winds cause life to recede. The birds and the bees are nowhere to be seen. Leafless branches fill...

Dare to Thrive
As we drove over the sandy brown sierras in Baja California, about the only thing surviving was the cacti. Not accustomed to desert...

Declare and Prayer
Curled up on the couch with a good book and a cup of tea, dusk settles on a perfect Sunday evening. As I turn the page a shrill chirp...

My Mini-Miracle: 21 Days without a Phone
I believe in the God of miracles. My mind does not question the raising of the dead, the site restored, the demons cast out by our Lord....

Glow in the Dark
One of the wonders of summer is the firefly. If you grew up anywhere outside the city, the fascinating blinking “lightening bugs” were...

Be Glad
Ahhhh Summertime: just the mention of the word summons fireflies dancing, crickets chirping, the ice cream truck singing, children...
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